Le problème qu'il y a avec CM PUNK c'est que sur son site internet un fan lui posait une question et a la fin de sa reponse CM a écrit " PS: Fuck France"
voila la question est la reponse:
Dear CM Punk, First I want to let you know, that you have (at least!) one big fan in Luxembourg! Secondly, as I know, you have already wrestled a few times in Europe. So, what is your opinion about Europe, about the lifestyle, the people and, of course, the wrestling?
Dude, i'm HUGE in Luxembourg. As far as Europe goes, Germans don't know how to drive. England has the most piss poor transvestites i've ever seen. Wales likes to throw lit cigarettes at me. I love Europe, I love the weather, I always found it a bit hard to eat properly while over there. P.S. Fuck France.